Graduate Teaching Assistant @ University of Washington

Hello, I’m Pratik

Current Grad Student in MS CSSE @ University of Washington

Former Software Engineer at eQ Technologic

Beta Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador

Open Scholar Commons Fellow 24″


Graduate Teaching Assistant  @  University of Washington  /  Jan 2024 to Present
  • Structures, Algorithms, And Discrete Mathematics II, Principles Of Human-Computer Interaction, Introduction to Natural Language Processing, and Usability And User-Centered Design.
  • Working as a Peer Facilitator, conducting Office hours to assist students with doubts regarding assignments. Additionally, created Explanatory Jupyter notebooks to aid in comprehension.
  • Developed assignment rubrics and graded Assignments resulting in a 20% increase in assignment clarity.
Software Engineer @  eQ Technologic  /  Aug 2022 to Aug 2023
  • Developed a multi-location activity upload feature using Java, React.js, Marionette.js, Backbone.js, JSPs, and REST APIs, resulting in a 30% reduction in user navigation time.
  • Implemented hierarchical routing and AWS SQS Transport support in the UI, utilizing technologies such as Java, React.js, Marionette.js, Backbone.js, and AWS, leading to a 25% improvement in product scalability.
  • Achieved a 40% reduction in user support queries by collaborating with the documentation team and utilizing Agile development methodologies.

Software Engineering Intern @  eQ Technologic  /  Jul 2021 to Oct 2021

  • Utilized Widget Framework to develop file activities, resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement.
  • Collaborated on user guides, contributing to a 15% reduction in onboarding time for new team members.


MS Computer Science and Software Engineering @  UW  /  2023 to 2025

Coursework: Machine Learning for Big Data, Secure Software Development, Machine Learning, Parallel Programming,

Bachelor of Computer Engineering; [Honors in Data Science] @ Pune University  /  2018 to 2022

Coursework: Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Operating Systems, Data Science


During my undergraduate years, I served as one of the select Google Cloud Ready Facilitators in India. One of my notable projects from this time is a real-time dashboard designed to assist program participants in tracking their progress and identifying the top performers on the leaderboard.

Tech Stack –  HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Firebase

Link –

And many more….

Pratik Jadhav

Here’s a concise biography about myself, similar to the one above.

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